PDF | The Noticer by Andy Andrews – Download

The Noticer_ Sometimes, All a Person Needs Is a Little Perspective - Andy Andrews www.zbooks.in

PDF Title The Noticer by Andy Andrews
Pages 139 Pages
PDF Size 1,333 KB
Language English

The Noticer by Andy Andrews – Download

What people don’t know about George Washington Carver is that while he was nineteen and a student at Iowa State University, he had a dairy sciences professor who allowed his own six-year-old boy to go on botanical expeditions every weekend with this brilliant student. George Washington Carver took that little tot and directed his life. And it was Carver who gave six-year-old Henry Wallace a vision about his future and what he could do with plants to help humanity.” Jones shook his head in wonder. “It is amazing, isn’t it?” he said.

“That Carver could spend all that time with the peanut? Hours and months and years of work. I mean, the man developed two hundred and sixty-six products from the peanut — that we still use today. And then there’s the sweet potato. Eighty-eight uses he developed from it.” Jones leaned forward, hands on his knees. “He also wrote an agricultural tract and promoted the idea of what he called a ‘victory garden.’

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